Skandia Team GBR

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Perfect Social Storm...


I heard on one of the "Gang" podcasts this week, Steve Gillmor pontificating about "cloud services" and how there would be, looming over the horizon in the not too distant future two major clouds that everyone would be using, they, of course Google and Microsoft, and although he is probably right, that these two clouds will dominate and that this two cloud domination and a move to openness will evoke a new breed of evolving services, I think that there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration.

 1. Openness is nothing without transparency - Open Social Networks + User Control + Trust

2. Two Clouds do not create a "Perfect Storm", you need three - Google and Microsoft, despite their innovation and re-invention have been around for too long and have way too much baggage, a third newly formed cloud provider is required in our new sky, could be already here (Facebook, Ask, Twitter  even?), whatever or whoever, there needs to be a third factor to generate the game/life-changing services we are all envisioning...

3. Read the history books - How many new start-up's and services are delivering new services that fail because of the same old crap? We need to learn from what went before, in nature (these service have a social bent so nature has an impact) and in recent services, Googles reverse-entry social-graph :-( Twitter as a platform with innovation expanding :-) Learn my "friends"....

I think it is all these factors that will combine to create the Perfect "Social" Storm and the natural elements that will combine together to support our social-centric vision of the future, both consumer and enterprise driven....

After all people is just people and we're all nature-born...



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