Yep 5 weeks bumming around at home, annoying the wife, kids and dog is enough...
I didn't get enough jobs done round the house, but I did more than I thought I might; I didn't do enough sailing as I'd planned, but my family loved the extra time I spent with them and now my friends it's time I stepped back into the working world and do some proper hard graft!
So I am now officially a Strategic Consultant working for a company down the road in Coventry (Trinity Expert Systems).
It'll be a bit different to what I've been doing over the last 3 years, but I'm welcoming the fresh challenges and alternative perspectives on my career...
Here goes, wish me luck!

Good luck in your new job. Knock 'em dead.
I wish you all the best my friend.
YAY! The best of luck to you Ant.
Congrats and Ganbatte!! (do your best)
Funny isnit, when you thnk you have lots of time to don't.
I did not get all my free time plans and sailing done either, but... it is good to have money coming in.
So how's it going then?
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