Skandia Team GBR

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Work2.0 - A new way of working

At 12:30pm I had my first lunch break in a while, walked to the sandwich shop with a few colleagues, chatted about work and was good... the weather was very grey, ominous rain was on the way we thought... not a cool day to be outside...

So at 6:30pm tonight as I left the office a couple of guys from my practice were still around, deep in conversations...

Stepped into the spring sunlight...the breeze warmed my soul, it was actually warm and its still only April...

By the time I got to the car I had a smile on my face, the sky was blue, things felt good...

Got in the car, switched on, hands-free enabled and called my colleagues... "..if what you can do can wait until tomorrow then log-off and get outside its a beautiful evening..."

I hope they did, you can't miss evening like that, breathe the air not stare at a screen, take conversations outside not Messengering the guy on the desk behind you...

I need to be out more, the whole team do... Work2.0 should be about smelling the coffee in the morning, chatting easing in to work and then drifting out at the end of the day in the sunshine... thats Work2.0 thats the way it really should be...that makes the bit in the middle OK..

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