Skandia Team GBR

Friday, April 21, 2006

Enterprise for Sale :-(

Its trauma time, James needs to sell the trusted Ent for nappy money...

Enterprise 23056
Speed FRP
Built July 2003
Super Spar Mast & Boom
Milanes Foils
Combi Trailor
Under/over covers
Garage stored
Bloody fast boat...

Numerous open wins and 3 times Midland Double Chine winner, featured and pictured on Soulsailor regularly..

4,750 GBP ono.
Contact James on


Tillerman said...

Dude, what does this mean for the fearsome Ant/James/Ent sailing combination?

Ant said...

No worries..(hopefully)..

We will for the interim (and who knows what the hell an interim is!) be using James Bro's wooden fact it was the Enterpise me and James first started sailing in..

Back to the good ol' days and fear not Tillerman, Soulsailor still has a yearning for a wet soul..

Tillerman said...

Geeze, you had me worried there for a while, thought you were retiring.